Kim Pensyl has taken numerous approaches in creating some of contemporary jazz's most appealing works in the genre's early days. The keyboardist/composer's two GRP releases, 1992's 3 Day Weekend and 1993's
Eyes of Wonder display not only a masterful musical vision, but also Kim's wide ranging abilities to work both with an ensemble as well as a one man electronic band. Fans who came to
Pensyl's music during this time enjoyed this collection, which features highlights from his early career on Optimism Records. Appropriately enough, the titles of those recordings were "Pensyl Sketches" #1, #2 and #3. The songs from #1 and #2 find him performing every sound himself, while those f rom #3 stress his strong leadership abilities as part of a live band. All then tracks, as well as three original selections, display a common threat of melodic brilliance, explosive rhythms and inventive production techniques. ~ Jonathan Widran