PLAYBACK spans 20 years of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' career, from 1973 to 1993. Disc one, titled "The Big Jangle," features Petty's popular early songs, such as "Breakdown," "Refugee" and "The Waiting," and is as close to rock & roll perfection as you're likely to come.
Packed with more than 90 songs PLAYBACK is the definitive Petty document. In addition to his many hits, PLAYBACK features a few oddball cuts. There's a hilarious live version of The Count Five's "Psychotic Reaction," sung by drummer Stan Lynch, as well as a demo version of Petty's hit "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around," sans Fleetwood Mac vocalist, Stevie Nicks. Another bonus to Petty fans is the inclusion of excellent historical liner notes penned by lauded music critic Bill Flanagan.