Active in the first half of the twentieth century, Knudåge Riisager was known as a successful composer of Danish ballet music. This 2005 CD by
Bo Holten and the
Århus Symphony Orchestra presents two of Riisager's colorful if lightweight dance scores from the prime of his career, Qarrtsiluni, Op. 36 (1938, its title roughly translated as "Expectant Silence"), and Månerenen, Op. 57 (1956, translated as "Moon Reindeer"). On a first hearing of Qarrtsiluni, one will immediately think of
Ravel's Bolèro, particularly because of its slowly building crescendo, insistent ostinato rhythm, and explosive climax; yet Riisager's piece is more dissonant and martial, and may seem more imitative of the first part of Carl Nielsen's Symphony No. 5, a likely influence. The much longer Månerenen -- a full evening's entertainment in five scenes -- also shows signs of Nielsen's influence, especially in its melodic shapes and striking orchestration; but Riisager's music is not as inspired as Nielsen's usually is, and too much of this fairy tale ballet seems like facile vamping to carry the action along, or is filled with Romantic clichés to illustrate obvious points of tension. While Riisager's music is easy to take and pleasant in many atmospheric passages, it provides few stirring moments and lacks original, memorable melodies. Dacapo's sound quality is fine.