Mac Dre albums keep comin', faster than the quality would make you believe. Not that Ronald Dregan: Dreganomics is a masterpiece, but if you get a chuckle from the cover, you'll get a chuckle from the lighthearted album -- that being the hood version of "lighthearted."
Mac Dre is a comedic, hedonistic personality/celebrity in the Bay Area, and knowing his story helps with the fun. "Thizzle" is a word that shows up in his work a lot, this time in the great party jam "Jump It," as in "Let me see if you can do the thizzle wiggle." The deepest comment he'll ever make on corrupt cops is that getting arrested by them makes you late for the party and they always seem to apprehend the best weed. Plenty of limited comedy rap acts with cults built around them have run out of steam long before they ran out of albums. Ronald Dregan is sleazy, unpretentious proof that
Mac Dre isn't one of them. His albums all sound the same, and for once, that's a good thing. ~ David Jeffries