A "duo" premiere by Armenian composers Aram Hovhannisyan and Michel Petrossian, commissioned by Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo, the ballet Sept, les anges de Sinjar draws its inspiration from Yezidi legends and myths. Complete with choreography by Michel Hallet Eghayan, the work traces each day in the week during which God created angels, culminating in the main figure of the Peacock Angel, both of whose opposing aspects, light and dark, are revealed. Mirroring the duality of Yezidism through the very contrast of their compositional styles, Hovhannisyan and Petrossian borrow from the musical worlds (Hebrew, Arabic, Armenian and Persian) surrounding this ancient religion. The work, of inexhaustible richness, is immortalized by the Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain, under its musical director Bruno Mantovani. © Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo