For a band that was built upside down and over a rather extended period of time,
Faber Drive have quickly powered up and roared right into view. Singer/guitarist/songwriter Dave Faber began piecing together the group back in 2004, first bringing his drum student Ray "Red" Bull into the fold. Faber then linked with producers Joe Moi and
Brian Howes, the latter of whom also became his co-writer. Recording was already being readied before lead guitarist David Hinsley was enlisted, with bassist Jeremy "Krikkit" Liddle arriving three days before the band's first gig. The group has been recording and performing live ever since, with its debut album,
Seven Second Surgery, finally arriving in 2007. This long interregnum has saved the band from such freshman pitfalls as wearing one's influences on one's sleeve. Sure, there's the occasional wink at
Def Leppard and bow to
Jimmy Eat World, but you need a good ear to catch the nods to such avowed faves as
U2 and
the Police. Besides,
Faber Drive pride themselves on their live shows, and the energy they deliver on-stage is captured and canned on "Sex and Love," the powerful and infectious song that won them the title of Vancouver's best band in 2006. "Second Chance," their first single, however, is a bit more representative, a big song with a big sound (there's the
U2 influence) that just keeps building until it spills over into grandiosity halfway through. "24 Story Love Affair" has a punk kick, but the kind of catchy chorus and zippy melody that drove a young
Cheap Trick. "Killin' Me" is even more lethal, a rousing rocker with soaring guitar leads, a powerhouse rhythm, and space-effect synths that kick the song into an even higher gear. "Time Bomb" is even tougher, punching out of pop/rock territory into hard rock and punting its anthemic chorus straight into the stadium. The synths and extravagant production take a bit of the edge off the band, but add an epic quality to
Faber Drive's sound, particularly effective on the rock ballad "Tongue Tied," the delicate "Summer Fades to Fall," and the emotive "Sleepless Nights (Never Let Her Go)." Powerful playing, strong melodies, irrepressible choruses, and a stunning sound belie this album's title -- with no quick fix to be found, this set was lovingly operated on over time and built to last. ~ Jo-Ann Greene