The decision to make the
R. Kelly-assisted "Hotel" the first single off
Split Personality made it clear that
Cassidy -- or, in reality, his handlers -- wanted to play up his chameleonic nature and fresh-faced image as soon as possible. This was a gamble that landed him in the Top Ten. A track as soft and smooth as
Nick Cannon's "Gigolo" (also featuring
Kelly), in addition to being thematically interchangeable with
Chingy's more recent "Holidae In," "Hotel" did not seem to be an apt debut single for the MC who slew
Freeway in battle and tore up a couple verses on mentor/producer
Swizz Beatz's
G.H.E.T.T.O. Stories. Nonetheless, the track's success diversified the anticipation for the debut album, though those amped for more of the hard material might've been turned off by the exposure-swelling sop to the ladies.
Cassidy's different approaches are even more pronounced as the album plays out. Divided into thirds,
Split Personality begins with
Cassidy's softer, more flirtatious side, and then slides into the harder-hitting material for the latter two-thirds. This set-up is a convenience to listeners who want their
Cassidy in a specific mode. The problem is that the MC is much more effective when donning his battle-tested side; as a result, the majority of that first third is filled out with moments that, on the average rap record, would fall by the wayside -- tracks like "Make U Scream" and the redundant "Hotel"-alike "Get No Better" ("Mmm mmm mmm, with ya sexy self/Go to my hotel and undress yourself") typically show up when an album is winding down, not when it's supposed to be gathering steam. On the rest of the album, it doesn't seem like
Cassidy's playing a role so much, and the quality level improves because of it. It shows how formidable he can be, even if he's not ready to rank with his top-tier elders. As the first release from Swizz Beats' J-supported Full Surface, the album is a minor disappointment while simultaneously showing promise. ~ Andy Kellman