If you've never heard anything by
Right Said Fred apart from their worldwide mega-hit "I'm Too Sexy," then you are missing out on one of the best dance-pop bands of this generation. For their fifth album,
the Freds left the looming shadow of their mega-hit behind for good. The album's opener, "Stand Up (For the Champions)" is their greatest moment to date. It is "We Will Rock You" meets the entire Saturday Night Fever soundtrack on a European dancefloor on a beautiful summer night...only better. It is a sports anthem for the new millennium and a song that speaks to the heart. And it's just the first track! "Bombay Moon," "I Love You (But I Don't Like You)," "Fraulein Wunderbar," "Summertime Fools," and "Popsong" are great slices of dance-pop. "Something in Your Eyes," "Night Night," and "Under a Simpson's Sky" showcase
the Freds' softer side to great effect. "Jesus Is a Clubber" and "Jubilee" are fun, feather-ruffling dance songs. Taken apart piece by piece, some of the tracks don't measure up to the band's previous album,
Fredhead, but as a whole,
Stand Up is certainly just as great. And it contains one of the most uplifting, catchy pop songs of the millennium -- who could ask for anything more?