Bona fide hitmakers by this point,
3oh!3 don’t mess with their winning formula on Streets of Gold, so let the snotty electro and frat-hop spew out of the speakers like last night’s raging kegger. That is, to a point. The down and out breakup number “R.I.P.” comes with a sensitive heart somewhere between
Owl City and
Erasure, while “I’m Not the One” is a retro-electro power ballad along the lines of
Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away.” Add the relatively positive youth anthem “We Are Young,” and that’s three smart surprises that can’t be denied, but the rest of the album’s success depends on whether you find hook-filled, new wave-inspired, campy, trampy dance-pop catchy or cloying. Either way, “My First Kiss” is the zenith with a hook that incorporates kissing noises along with some come-on’s from crunkcore queen and special guest
Kesha. Cute how “Touchin’ on My” mixes a censor’s bleep into its synth pop melody, and if you crave big, vibrant, well-crafted productions that might as well be
Katy Perry singles, both “Déjà Vu” and "Double Vision" fit the bill.
3oh!3 are nothing if not loud and shameless, so expect plenty of cheap thrills. ~ David Jeffries