Featuring covers and singles from the pre-
God's Own Medicine era, The First Chapter can at times reinforce the critics' view that
the Mission UK were nothing but a pompous goth band intent on dredging up rock's past. The opener, a shoddy cover of
the Beatles' "Tomorrow Never Knows," is a perfect example of that, proving that at times
Wayne Hussey and his mates should have left well enough alone. Fortunately, this collection includes some of
the Mission's finer moments. Cover versions of
Free's "Wishing Well" and
Patti Smith's "Dancing Barefoot" manage to merge classic rock tracks with
the Mission's glossy and dramatic approach with ease. The best moments of The First Chapter are found in
the Mission's own compositions, especially the single "Serpents Kiss" and "The Crystal Ocean," both of which shimmer with
Hussey's signature 12-string sound, and one of the best non-drum machine rhythm sections that came out of the English goth rock scene. [The album's Canadian version had a slightly different track listing.] ~ Chris True