As one-half of Smif-N-Wessun, Steele has been chanting “Bucktown,” using it as a soubriquet for his hometown, since the duo’s 1995 debut DAH SHININ’. On his solo debut, the General Steele brings his Bucktown obsession to full fruition, using the 1975 blaxtoitation flick of the same name as starting point and inspiration for this so-called “soundtrack to Brooklyn.” With soulful, 1970s funk-inspired production and a slew of formidable guest MCs repping BK (including Smoothe da Hustler, Trigga the Gambler, Blahzay Blahzay, 5FT, Buckshot, and his Smif-N-Wessun partner Tek), WELCOME TO BUCKTOWN is another stellar street-hop album from Duck Down.