Thumbscrew make no mathcore innovations, but they do the style well. Reference points include early
Dillinger Escape Plan, early
Converge, early
Cephalic Carnage, and so on. Note the preponderance of "early";
Thumbscrew work very much inside their idiom, and thus haven't yet forged an identity. Their chops are fearsome, however. "Maliscent" explodes like a thousand things breaking at once, an avalanche of odd meters, tortured screaming, and jagged dissonance. It does slow down eventually for a semblance of respite. "Be Prepared, Dig In" is aptly titled, as lightning-fast atonal runs cascade over churning riffs. The dearth of repetition and overall chaos make the ride bumpy (why does "A.I.M. Plays a Big Role in Her Life" end with six minutes of silence?). However, the final track thinks outside the box and hints at an identity. Its riffs are still angular, but mournful clean singing helps pin down the mess. Nicely natural-sounding production helps this ball of spikiness go down easier.