1001 Ways

1001 Ways

Artist, Contributor

1001 Ways is an eclectic duo from Switzerland, consisting of Tobias Huber and Hilarius Dauag. Previously they astounded the world music society by releasing recordings of Mahatma Gandhi intertwined inclusive sounds: Music For Peace. 1001 Ways had worked together with international artists like: Farafina (Real World), Fathy Salama (producer of "Egypt" for Youssou NíDour), Omega III (producer of Madonna...), Elan (The Wailers), Pras Michel & John Forte (Fugees), Gipsy Kings, Tony Scott, Boddy Miles, and Calvin Owens. ​Following an invitation from the United Nations and playing numerous international festivals, they keep focusing on their music and released a contemporary new recording with "Tsongoy Codex 7".