Bonde do Rolê

Bonde do Rolê

Baile funk is the music of Brazilian favelas, where life is nasty, brutish and short -- and so are the pop songs. Bonde Do Role is an art-house take on the genre, stealing several pages from Miami bass but also sampling rock 'n' roll artists madly and with no regard for copyright. Add to that the nastiest sex talk you can find in Brazilian Portuguese, and you have a three-person firestorm of colossally funny, intentional stupidity that is, incidentally, extremely danceable. Philadelphia DJ Diplo saw the group perform in Rio and made them the first signees to his Mad Decent label. Their label debut, 2007's infectious With Lasers, did away with the illegal samples but not with the primal squall that makes them the most enjoyable musical train wreck you can't tear yourself away from.





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