Hubert Kah

Hubert Kah

Hubert Kah was originally a three-piece German new wave group consisting of Hubert Kemmler, Markus Löhr and Klaus Hirschburger. They had success with singles 'Rosemarie' and 'Just Once With Erika...' with albums 'Tensongs' (1986) and 'Sound of My Heart' (1989) also faring well. After a spell of ill health, Kemmler withdrew from music, reappearing in the mid-'90s with a new incarnation of the band. They released a self-titled album and singles including 'Sailing', 'C'est La Vie' and 'Love Chain'. Their second album 'Seelentaucher' was released in 2005 with 'RockArt' following in 2016. © ©Copyright Music Story 2020