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Dostoyno Yest (It Is Truly Meet) (Averkya Monach Rylets - from the Liturgy)
Ivan Koukouzel Angeloglassny Ensemble
Kheruvimska Pesen (Cherubic Hymn)(Old Bulgarian Hymn from the Liturgy)
Voskreseniya Den (The Day of the Resurrection)(Neophyte Riisky- from Easter Matins)
Tebe Poyem (We Praise Thee)(Old Bulgarian Chant- from the Liturgy)
Radouysya Vsechistaya (Rejoice, All Pure One)
Te-Ri-Rem (Finale of Polieley Na Bulgarkata)(Lament of the Bulgarian Woman)
Dostoyno Yest (It Is Truly Met) (From the Elena Region; notated by Bishop Nikolai)
Angel Vopiyashe (The Angel Cried Out) (From the Elena region; notated by Dunovsky)
Vladikou E Sveshtenonachalnika (Our Master and High Priest preserve, O Lord, for many years)