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Artist, Contributor
The King's Hunting Jig
Elgar Howarth, John Bull
Music for the Courts of Europe
Chromatic Pavan (Queen Elizabeth’s)
John Bull, Bertrand Cuiller
Mr Tomkins : His Lessons of Worthe
Chromatic Galliard
In Nomine (Gloria Tibi Trinitas : The First)
Fantasia MB 11
John Bull: He's O.K.
The Bull Masque
John Bull, The Royal Wind Music
Sweete Musicke of Sundrie Kindes
In nomine XII
John Bull, Peter Watchorn
Music of Tudor and Jacobean England
Doctor Bull's Goodnight
Claudio Brizi, John Bull
Claviorgan Wonderland
Walsingham, MB 85
Derek Adlam, John Bull
Bull & Farnaby: English Renaissance Keyboard Music
Fantasy, MB 16
In Nomine IV, MB 23
Salvator Mundi II, MB 38
Fantasy on Ut re me fa sol la I, MB 17
Chromatic Pavan, Queen Elizabeth's, MB 87a
Chromatic Galliard , MB 87b