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University of Tulsa: Bar Passage Rate
Petr Sobelova
In Forma Pauperis / Alimony / Alford Plea
M'naughten Rule / Taking the Fifth / Bar
Age Discrimination / Fee / Abscond / Consortium
Remittitur / Receiving / Condemnation / Best Evidence
Wrongful Death Statutes / Excited Utterance Exception / Inverse Condemnation
Guardian Ad Litem / Concurrent Jurisdiction / Minute Book / Notice of Petition
Injunction / Movant / Writ of Coram Nobis / Bind Over
Worker's Compensation / Interrogatories / Jobber
Note of Issue / Duress Pressure / Valued Policy Law
Indictment / Lis Pendens / Absentia
Act of State Doctrine / Eerie Doctrine / Lapsed Gift
Adjective Law / Acceptance / Hereditament / Consanguinity
Long Form Order / Joint and Several Liability / False Imprisonment
Debtor / Court Reporter / Foreperson / Closing
Statue of Limitarions / Decree / Clemency or Executive Clemency
Attorney-Client Privilege / Precedent
Corpus Delicti / Certified Copy / Common Law