Rich Chambers

Rich Chambers

Artist, Contributor

"Reminiscent of 50s and 60s garage band rock, but with a good dose of modern sensibility" is how one would describe the music Canadian artist Rich Chambers has been writing, recording, and performing for his entire 20+ year music career. As a solo artist, and with his band Half-Hour Late, Chambers has released numerous albums and successful singles, but none have topped the success of his cover of Snow Miser vs. Heat Miser from his first album, which he had released soon after graduating from university. The song has been downloaded over 18,000 times in the last ten years and streamed approximately 700,000 times in the past two. Looking to tap back into this success, Rich went full circle to record and release a new Christmas album, ‘Santa’s Rockin’ Band,’ in 2020 that built upon the foundation laid by the popularity of the “Heat Miser vs. Snow Miser.” In 2021, following on the heels of his successful 2020 Christmas album, Chambers has released his new socially conscious rocker, “I’m So Tired.” It’s an infectious, driving rock n’ roll song with an accompanying video ( that is brimming with relevant social commentary. Who says rock n’ roll can’t be meaningful? Rich Chambers certainly doesn’t!