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Bohuslav Martinu: Sonata (1957)--1st mvt
Tom Rose And Miles Graber
Marc Delmas: Fantaisie Italienne (1921)
(Martinu 2nd mvt)
(Martinu 3rd mvt)
Pierre Sancan: Sonatine (1963)
Maurice Ravel: Piece en forme de Habanera (1907)
Johannes Brahms: Four song transcriptions, #1
Song transcriptions, #2
Song transcriptions, #3
Song transcriptions, #4
Charles Villiers Stanford: Three Intermezzi (1880)--1st mvt
(Stanford 2nd mvt)
(Stanford 3rd mvt)
Darius Milhaud: Scaramouche (1937)--1st mvt
(Milhaud 2nd mvt)
(Milhaud 3rd mvt)