The selections on this release by Baroque violinist Adrian Chandler and his chamber orchestra La Serenissima are items left over from previous projects; the Extra Time title refers to a 2015 recording session where the group had time remaining in the studio after recording the Vivaldi Four Seasons violin concertos. The music was recorded in different places; one can tell, but producer and editor Simon Fox-Gál has knitted the selections together into a coherent sonic whole. Leftovers these recordings may be, but Chandler has done in-depth research into the northern Italian Baroque violin concerto and has a large bag of interesting material that nobody else has touched. His specialty is Vivaldi, and the concertos included here are distinctive and attractive. The largo from the Concerto for violin, strings, and continuo, RV 365, yields to none of its better-known cousins for sheer lyrical beauty, and that from the Concerto per Sua Maestà Cesarea e Cattolica for violin, strings, and continuo, RV 171, is a unique experiment in how far the bare-octaves type of slow movement can be taken. There's also a broad and variegated violin concerto by Vivaldi's little-known follower Giuseppe Antonio Brescianello, and an example of the almost totally neglected genre of Italian Baroque ballet music by Nicola Matteis, the violinist and composer who led the great Italian migration to London. Chandler's forte is that he is a researcher who can present new discoveries in a musically convincing way, and he does so here, no less than in other more planned-out recordings.