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Plattenseewellen (The Waves of Lake Balaton)
Hungarian Gypsy Music
Perhaps One Day - Traditional Csardas - It Would Be a Pity to Die Now - I Didn't Like to Go to the Pub - Listen, Little Twittering Bird
Ziguener Romanze (Gipsy Romance) - Langsamer Verbunk-Csardas (Slow Verbunk Csardas - Schneller Csardas (Quick Csardas)
Tango auf der Strasse (Tango in the Street)
Komm, Zigan (Come, Gipsy)
This is a Happy Hour - I Always Said, Girls are Dangerous - Dance Csardas - This Girl is Pretty and Good
Langsamer Csardas (Slow Csardas) - Csardas, schnelle Version (Csardas, quick version)
There's Nothing Wrong with Me - Andalgo Csardas - Popular Csarsa - Gipsy Concert Friss
Die Lerche (The Lark)
Alte Zigeunerlieder (Old Gipsy Songs)
In a Palace on The Ring Road - The Pigeon Flew up - One, Two, Three, Four - Traditional Quick Csardas
Below the Mountain of Csitár
Discover Music from Hungary
My Little Czárdás Hat
Silk Scarf / Mother, I Will Get Married Soon / Jároká Csárdás
World of Gypsies