* En anglais uniquement
Daniel Wohl is a French-born, groundbreaking contemporary composer based in Los Angeles, California. His genre-blurring work blending acoustic instrumentation with electronics has been performed by the American Symphony Orchestra,
the Calder Quartet,
Bang on a Can All-Stars, and
So Percussion, to name a few, and he has toured and collaborated with
Julia Holter,
Dan Deacon,
Lucky Dragons, and
Son Lux. Though born in Paris, where he studied music throughout his youth and early collegiate years,
Wohl has been based in America for some time. He holds degrees in composition from Bard College, the University of Michigan, and the Yale School of Music. Some of his professors included
David Lang,
Ingram Marshall,
William Bolcom, and
Joan Tower. He is also an educator and has taught programs at Sarah Lawrence and Yale.
Wohl's debut album,
Corps Exquis, issued in 2013 by New Amsterdam Records, was the soundtrack to a multimedia chamber and electronics project created in conjunction with the TRANSIT new music ensemble and a collective of New York-based video artists. The widely acclaimed recording featured guest appearances by
Aaron Roche, and
So Percussion. His commissions only increased after its release.
Wohl has an extensive catalog of unrecorded compositions that have been performed by a wide variety of celebrated ensembles in venues ranging from Carnegie Hall and Chicago Symphony Center to the Rome Film Festival and Switzerland's NordKlang.
Wohl is also a film composer. He co-composed the score for The Color of Time with
Garth Neustadter. Based on the life of C.K. Williams, it starred James Franco, Mila Kunis, and
Jessica Chastain. In early 2016, New Amsterdam Records released
Wohl's second album,
Holographic. His music was performed by Mantra Percussion Quartet, Iktus Percussion,
Mivos Quartet,
Bang on a Can All-Stars, and vocalists
Olga Bell (
Dirty Projectors) and
Caroline Shaw (
Roomful of Teeth). ~ Thom Jurek