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Air Compressor
Wide Array Of Background Sounds, Sounds For Life, Relaxation & Stress Relief Therapy, Destressing Background Noise, Deep Sleep System, Relaxation Meditation Noise
White Noise Sounds: Factory Noises
Computer Buzz
Computer Hum
Cooling Compressor
Diesel Powered Electrical Generator
Heavy Motor Hum
Hydroelectric Turbines
Industrial Cyclical Machine
Industrial Turbine
Pump System by the Lake
Small Engine Motor
A Gurgling River Torrent Babbling and Frothing
Best Of Mother Nature Sounds, Sleepy Sounds, Wide Array Of Background Sounds, Destressing Background Noise, Deep Meditation Spa, Medytacja Atmosfera
White Noise Sounds: Soothing Rapids
Bubbling River Rapids
Deep Alpine Rapids
Fast Deep Flatland Rapids
Heavy Rapids
Heavy White Water Rapids