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Lift up Louisville
Lift Up Louisville, Teddy Abrams, Jim James, Scott Carney, Will Oldham, Patrick Hallahan, Danny Kiely, Carly Johnson, Sam Bush, Michael Cleveland, Jason Clayborn, Sharron Sales, Dani Markham, Daniel Martin Moore, Cheyenne Marie Mize, Scott T. Smith, Rayul Beatbox, 1200, Brigid Kaelin, Gabriel Lefkowitz, Julia Noone, Kathy Karr, Matthew Karr, Andre Levine, Jacob Duncan
Drums of War (Combat)
Gabriel Lefkowitz
A Challenge Approaches (Encounter)
Into Legend (Win)
Band Together (Combat)
Never Bend (Deployment)
The Stars Are Paper (Starship)
The Journey Unfolds (Main Title)
Stats by Candlelight (Menu)
Beyond the Next Turn (Dungeon)
An Enemy Has Appeared (Encounter)
What May Unfold (Deployment)
Into the Fray (Combat)
A Time for Loot (Victory)
The Source of Paper (Forest Village)
Marching Forward (Combat)
Cut It with Scissors (Atmosphere)
Paper Ghosts (Haunted House)