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Psalm 23: Meditativo: "The Lord Is My Shepherd"
Hanno Bosch
Hymn 440: Cornet Voluntary, Pastorale, Intermezzo and Toccata "I Have Found Solid Ground"
Hymn 143: Meditation, Canonical Processing, Scherzo and Finale "On Mountains and in Valleys"
Dutch Hymn 53: Andante Espressivo "Do Not Go Alone Through Life"
Hymn: Fantasy "But the Good God Does Care for Everyone"
Psalm 144: 2 Choral Prelude "Lord, What Man, That Thou Takest Knowledge "
Hymn: Thema Con Variazioni E Finale "Hear Across Heaven"
Psalm 81: 12 Trio & Canon "By Their Wilful Choice, They My Love Rejected"
Hymn 420 Alla Marcia, Toccatine and Toccata "I Hear the Sound of Trumpets"
Hymn: Melody Orchestration "Comes as Children All of the Light"
Psalm 77: 1 & 7 Fantasy "I Cry out, That God May Hear Me"
Cornet Voluntary, Pastorale, Intermezzo en Toccata "Ik Heb de Vaste Grond Gevonden"
Koraalvoorspel Psalm 144:2 "Wat is de Mens? Wat is Hem te Prijzen"
Trio en Canon Psalm 81:12 "Opent Uwen Mond"
Meditation, Canonische Bewerking, Scherzo en Finale "Op Bergenen in Dalen"
Andere Espressivo "Ga niet alleen door 't Leven"
Alla Marcia, Toccatine en Toccata "Ik Hoor Trompetten Klinken"
Meditativo "De Heer is Mijn Herder"