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Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 1 - I. Mondestrunken (Moondrunk)
Arnold Schoenberg, Jennifer Goltz, Inauthentica Ensemble
Arnold Schoenberg: Pierrot Lunaire
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 1 - II. Columbine
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 1 - III. Der Dandy (The Dandy)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 1 - IV. Eine blasse Wäscherin (An Ethereal Washerwoman)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 1 - V. Valse de Chopin (Chopin Waltz)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 1 - VI. Madonna
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 1 - VII. Der Kranke Mond (The Sick Moon)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 2 - I. Nacht (Night) Passacaglia
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Gebet an Pierrot (Prayer to Pierrot)II. Gebet an Pierrot (Prayer to Pierrot)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 2 - III. Raub (Theft)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 2 - IV. Rote Messe (Red Mass)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 2 - V. Galgenlied (Gallows Song)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 2 - VI. Enthauptung (Beheading)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 2 - VII. Die Kreuze (The Crosses)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 3 - I. Heimweh (Homesickness)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 3 - II. Gemeinheit! (Vulgarity)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 3 - III. Parodie (Parody)
Pierrot Lunaire (1912): Part 3 - IV. Der Mondfleck (The Moonspot)