Jay Honest

Jay Honest

Artiste, Contributeur

* En anglais uniquement

Artist - Manager - Influencer - Father Hailing from Ottawa, Canada, multilingual rapper, writer, director, engineer, and father, Jay Honest, has dedicated his career to managing, and helping his own signed artists, and others, use their greatest talents to their full potential. With 7 years of experience in the music and influential industry, Jay owns and manages a record label, HONESTGANG, along with rapidly climbing artists, Nicki, tha Great, Millinnial X, KVyybez, and Sheddy Empire, a group comprised of rising artists based in Nairobi, Kenya. Honest has made, and shattered his music goals over the past few years, with such achievements as, learning new languages to bridge gaps between cultures and bring our Canadian talent around the globe, hitting over a million streams on Spotify, becoming a verified Canadian artist, creating and releasing music with talent based on every end of the world, successfully opened an Instagram shop, with HONESTGANG merchandise, along with his own face filters, recently released his second YouTube exclusive music video, Holiday Season, and has fathered three children, Jayden, Dream, and Roman. He is a man who loves to work and help others in the process. Taking 0% from his artists is only the start, 2021 will bring so many new things & will be his biggest year yet, Guaranteed! Be sure to follow Jay Honest on Instagram @iAmJayHonest for daily content & updates.