Once again, Monsieur de Sainte-Colombe’s music works its magic. Fearing neither expression nor a wide vibrato (which is never too methodical or simply there for decoration), Susie Napper and Margaret Little offer a selection of pieces taken from the complete recording of Concerts à deux violes esgales, recorded in Quebec City in 2003 and 2004. Le changé, Le tendre, L'attentif, Le Tombeau des regrets and L'estourdy are all like insights into the soul.
Found post-mortem in the papers of pianist Alfred Cortot, the manuscript of these sixty-seven concerts is a balanced dialogue between the two instruments, almost like a conversation between cultured friends philosophising about existentialism. The fascinating music ranges from deep introspection to dance, all the while retaining a certain spontaneity.
This psychological musical portrait, like an equivalent to a painter’s portrait, is perceptible throughout and perfectly illustrates the personality traits - and probably the physical traits too - of the characters illustrated here. © François Hudry/Qobuz