Anyone can set out to perform and record a set of compositions by a given composer. But to truly take the time to bring listeners into the world of both composer and performer, and to engage the listener with as many senses as possible, makes for a truly exceptional recording. Such is the case with this album of Tartini's sonatas for solo violin with violinist
Chiara Banchini and soprano
Patrizia Bovi. Tartini made a habit of writing excerpts from poetry in the margins of his scores, works he presumably read before writing to gain inspiration. This extremely well-thought-out and beautifully assembled album includes not only the text of the excerpts, but vocal settings of them as well as significant paintings to accompany each of them. Both
Banchini and
Bovi deliver exceptionally refined performances throughout the album.
Bovi's voice is pure, elegant, and perfectly suited for music of this time.
Banchini's tone on the Baroque violin is, appropriately, every bit as vocal and singing as the soprano arias. Taken all together, this album is much more than an ordinary CD that is popped in the player and listened to from beginning to end, but rather, an all-encompassing experience that truly transports listeners to another place and time. Unconditionally recommended.