Thirteen years ago, Federico Gugliemo and his L’Arte dell’Arco (The Art of the Bow) already payed tribute to the Florence-born violinist and composer Francesco Maria Veracini. In the 17th century, Veracini was considered as the prime violinist of his time, overpassing Corelli, Tartini or Vivaldi. Veracini achieved outstanding success in London as a violinist for the Queen’s Theatre. He lived in Dresden where, challenged by rival musicians, he jumped out of a window. Arrived lame in Prague where he stayed for a short period, he then moved back to London. But on its way to Britain, Veracini‘s ship sank in the middle of the Channel. The composer was saved and fled to Florence, where he lived a safer life writing sacred music and working as kapellmeister.
Conducted by Federico Gugliemo and recorded in 2018 in the dry acoustic of Este’s Cabinet de lecture (library), the album includes series of openings, (suites), sonatas, and a Violin Concerto in D major performed by Gugliemo. © François Hudry/Qobuz